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Draw the limit
interactive performance installation
FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
Youtube video

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Branko Popovic

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Branko Popovic

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Branko Popovic

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Branko Popovic

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Branko Popovic

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Réka Rossignol

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Jillian Hrycuik

Draw the limit
interactive performance installation, FAT Fashion Art Toronto festival, Toronto(CA), 2012
photo by Neil Bambra

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© Liesje van den Berk 2011