liesje van den berk
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Overgave aan het potlood
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, 170x114cm, 2012

aquarel en potlood op papier /aquarel and pencil on paper, 21x29cm, 2011

Surrender to the pencil
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, 100x114cm, 2013

Surrender to the pencil
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, detail, 2013

aquarel en potlood op papier /aquarel and pencil on paper, 21x29cm, 2013

Overgave aan het potlood
houtskool en potlood op papier / charcoal and pencil on paper, 114x195 cm, 2011

Overgave aan het potlood
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, 170x114cm, 2012

Overgave aan het potlood
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, detail, 2012

Overgave aan het potlood
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, 114x100 cm, 2011

Overgave aan het potlood
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, detail, 2011

Surrender to the light
potloodtekening / pencil drawing, 140x80cm, 2015,, Courtesy ZERP Galerie

Breath out
Watercolours and pencil on paper, 2015, 31 x 23 cm, Courtesy ZERP Galerie

Light cleans the horizon
pencil drawing on paper, 31 x 23 cm, 2014, Courtesy ZERP Galerie

pencil drawing on paper, 31 x 23 cm, 2014, Courtesy ZERP Galerie

Surrender to the sea
Watercolours and pencil on paper, 2015, 31 x 23 cm, Courtesy ZERP Galerie

Surrender to the pencil is a series of drawings of a man in the sea. In this drawing I surrender myself to the pencil, as if I am in the sea and washed over by a turbulent wave. With this drawing I search for the possibilities to really be in the moment and lose ’the thinking’.
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© Liesje van den Berk 2015